Happy New Year From Leah’s Place

Happy New Year 2023! The holiday season at Leah’s Place brought many blessings! Our largest donation to date was gifted over the holiday season of 2022 and our newest lifelong animal resident joined the Leah’s Place animal sanctuary as well. Leah’s Place warmly welcomes Schroedinger the cat! He’s a big boy that has been in contact with the local animal shelter that neutered and released him as a part of their feral response and he has come to us needing a place to live outdoors that offers to meet his nutritional and healthcare needs. He is a joy to have and marks the second and final lifelong animal sanctuary placement that Leah’s Place offers. Our sanctuary placement status is offered to animals that our local rescue organizations are unable to care for or for animals at risk for euthanasia, and require a lifetime commitment. These placement slots are limited for that reason as we at Leah’s Place are committed to providing outstanding care to our animal residents. We will only commit to providing for animals that we know we can give a beautiful quality of life.




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