Cold Weather

This is Jess here, just thinking about the incoming winter season now that the weather is beginning to shift. The weather will be driving people indoors in the region where I live and trying to keep a home warm for the winter is different this year for lots of people, lots of families, and lots of children. As costs of living continue to rise beyond what people can manage on a month to month basis with their hourly wages, please consider what effect this has on the youngest and most vulnerable members of society. For those visiting the Leah’s Place blog that are struggling to get through the winter: please know that you are not alone. If you believe in the power of prayer, I ask that you pray over this project. If we can provide a healthy start for young families threatened by violence and exploitation, the world will be just a little warmer. Thank you for stopping by!


Happy New Year From Leah’s Place


How I know that Leah’s Place is needed