Lucy Fur Dog
Lucy Fur Dog:
Age: 2 Years
Arrived: 5/2021
Lucy Fur arrived after having been abused before week 10 of age. The puppy breeder responsible for her handling had been employing techniques to inhibit nipping that were harmful to her and as a very small puppy, her fear reactivity needed serious work. As a large breed, aggressive behavior would be a death sentence in a shelter environment. Jess has trained and worked with Lucy to reduce her fear based aggression, identify her triggers, and set her up to be successful as a working dog. She was rehomed for a two week period in 2022 where it was ultimately decided that despite what progress Lucy has made in reductions of unwanted behavior and becoming an adoptable dog, she simply wanted to live her life with Jess. She is currently receiving sanctuary as a special case that requires a lifetime commitment. Ideally, Lucy will train to provide security for the outer perimeter of the Leah’s Place comfort home property. Donations are being accepted now for fencing to assist us in reaching this goal.
Schroedinger Cat
Schroedinger Cat:
Age: Estimated 10-12 years
Arrived: 11/2022
Schroedinger the cat is a semi-feral boy who decided that he is uninterested in items owned by humans with the exception of cat food. He is extremely affectionate with people, yet continues to reject outdoor shelter structures. He opts to live in a crawlspace where the dryer vents out, and as such our laundry schedule has recently been re-routed to meet his needs better in cold weather. Schroedinger has a tipped ear, signifying that our local animal rescue network has been in direct contact with him and has engaged with him in their feral neuter and release program, which could explain his rigid aversion to all things cat carrier. His needs are basic at this time, however as Schroedinger ages, his veterinary requirements will likely become more demanding and will require a plan to address them as he becomes more comfortable. He presents as healthy, with the exception of black spots that have begun to appear on his paw pads. This signifies a vitamin deficiency that suggests a diet consisting of mostly what he has been able to catch in the local wooded area where he was found.
His future needs will include but are not limited to: veterinary planning and care, repair for an indoor/outdoor screened porch for an adequate long-term living space. Donations are currently being accepted for renovating Schroedinger’s cattery.
Schrodinger’s Friends
Schrodinger WAS our first and only sanctuary resident cat, but he has been joined by Slim Shady (black) and Kirstie Alley Cat (tortoise shell).
They are known around here as the Left Ear crew on account of them all being neutered (and in Kirstie’s case spayed) by TNR groups, therefore the tipped left ears. Slim is quite the personality now that he’s been able to leave the local feral colony, and has proven to be a lover of people and pats. Kirstie has been much slower to warm, and she and slim came as a bonded pair. I often wonder if she would have ever come around if it hadn’t been for him and his bravery.